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veranstaltungen:nibble_area [2018/11/13 08:40] maroveveranstaltungen:nibble_area [2018/12/17 06:47] marove
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 ====== Nibble Area ====== ====== Nibble Area ======
-{{ :veranstaltungen:dsc05778.jpg?300|}} +{{ :veranstaltungen:dsc05778.jpg?400|}} 
-The Nibble Area is a dedicated soldering work-space at the 35C3 where you can solder [[|Nibble Pegs]] all around the clock. A Nibble Peg is a very easy blinking peg with 4 LEDs. A Nibble ist a unit for the amount of 4 Bits ( Nibble Area is a dedicated soldering work-space at 35C3. You are welcome to solder our famous [[|Nibble Pegs]] all around the clock. 
-{{ :veranstaltungen:img_5910.jpg?400 |}}+{{ :veranstaltungen:img_5910.jpg?300 |}} 
 +It's just a peg with a nibble (4) of LEDs mounted to it. Quite easy to solder but a great C3-accessory.
 ==== Where to find? ==== ==== Where to find? ====
-We will be present at the 35C3 but we don'know our place yet.+We will post the area's position as soon as we know
 +It will be somewhere at 35c3.
 ==== Costs? ==== ==== Costs? ====
-The Nibble Peg and Soldering will be **free** for everyone! We want to introduce everybody to soldering with some very simple and some very advanced [[ kits]]. We would be very happy about some donations so we can bring the soldering workshop to schools and other places.+The Nibble Peg and soldering will be **free of charge** for everyone! We try to spread soldering skills among everyone. Therefore we got very simple and easy up to further advanced [[|soldering kits]]. We appreciate donations to continue our work and offer the further workshops beside Chaos events. 
 +==== Registration? ==== 
 +No registration required! Just come by :) 
 +==== Special Workshops ==== 
 +We are also offering special workshops for [[|Nibble++]] and an [[|LED Cube]]. Please just write an Email for registration to these special Workshops to [[|]]. 
 +  * 27.12.2018: Workshop 
 +  * 28.12.2018, 12:00-16:00: Workshop for Junghackertag. Just kids any age allowed ;) 
 +  * 29.12.2018: Workshop
-==== Reigstration? ==== 
-No registration needed! Just pass by :) 
 ==== What else can we solder? ==== ==== What else can we solder? ====
-We will also bring our [[|Nibble++]] soldering kit and [[|some other kits]]. These will be soldered on special date which will be announced at the workshop.+We will also bring the [[|Nibble++]] and [[|some other kits]]. For those we will offer some workshops at fixed daytimes. We will anouce those here and at the Nibble Area.
 {{ :veranstaltungen:front.png?400 |}} {{ :veranstaltungen:front.png?400 |}}
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