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Official information about the club

The association „Binary Kitchen e. V.“ was founded on 23.01.2013 in Regensburg. It is registered at the Regensburg Local Court under the number 200910 in the Register of Associations.

The purpose of the association is to promote education and popular education in the field of information technologies and new technologies.

The association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit purposes.

The purpose of the articles of association is realized in particular by

  • Implementation of free public events on information technologies and information culture, computer security and creative use of new technologies and their applications.
  • Promotion of research, development and education in the field of information technologies.
  • Promotion of the general education of the population in dealing with new technologies

Board members

The association is represented by the board members

  1. Andreas Hechtbauer
  2. Sebastian Mogilowski



  • en/verein.1599671778.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2020/09/09 17:16
  • von noby