==== Howtos ==== === Ausgehendes Blockieren von 0900 Rufnummern === (https://community.freepbx.org/t/howto-block-offshore-premium-rate-numbers/17447/2) On the //System Recordings page//, select **Built-in Recordings** and build a recording using these settings:\\ * **Name:** Blocked\\ * **Descriptive Name:** "We are sorry, the number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please contact technical support."\\ * **Files:**\\ * sorry * the-number-u-dialed * is-curntly-unavail * please-contact-tech-supt On the //Announcements// page, create a new announcement: * **Name:** Blocked * **Recording:** Blocked * **Destination After Playback:** Terminate call (Congestion) On the //Misc Applications// page, create a new application: * **Name:** Play blocked message * **Feature Code:** *999 * **Destination:** Announcements (Blocked) On the //Trunks// page, create a new **Custom Trunk** * **Name:** BlockedTrunk * **Custom Dial String:** Local/*999@from-internal On the //Outbound Routes// page, create a new Route: * **Name:** Blocked Routes * **Trunk Sequence:** BlockedTrunk * **Dial Patterns:** * **prefix:** 0900 * **match pattern:** .